Blonde Ale
Light and easy drinking, blonde ales are great when you want something simple but delicious to drink.
Processing closes at 5 PM on weekdays, is open 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Saturday, and is closed on Sundays.
LGCM / Recipes / Leahy's Sausage Recipes / Ultimate BLT Sandwich with Ultimate Bacon
What do you put the Ultimate Bacon on? The Ultimate BLT of course! Make this BLT with our Canadian Bacon wrapped in Bacon and soak in all the bacony goodness.
Toast your bread, use wheat or white, depending on your preference.
Place mayonnaise on one side of each piece of bread.
On one side of the bread, add 3 slices of Ultimate Bacon, then one piece of Romaine lettuce, then three slices of tomato. Season tomatoes with salt and pepper. Place other piece of bread on top and enjoy!
Want to bake your Ultimate Bacon in the oven?
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Place Ultimate bacon on a sheet pan covered in foil. Bake for 12-15 minutes depending on your desired crispiness.
The bacon my curl, if you wish to avoid this, you can place a bacon press on top.
Remove from oven, and dab with a napkin to remove excess grease.
Light and easy drinking, blonde ales are great when you want something simple but delicious to drink.
A great middle ground style of beer, Amber ales have moderate hops and moderate malt.